Saturday, July 9, 2011


Hey! I'm trying to sign in and update more often, so i started yesterday.
I love seeing comments and votes on this blog as-well, to know people are reading it. 
Please follow my blog and if you want everyday status from me, visit my
twitter. ---> natsaveiro

Thanks for taking your time to read that little message, now time for my updates!

I am really bored...

thats about it!.. Nah, i'm only joking with ya. 

Right now i'm on the computer, bored but chilling. I feel clean and fresh for a new day. 
But i feel quite upset, I just feel weird... twitter is cool, i guess. And i love

I might edit this tonight!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Hello guys and girls. I have had an awesome time so far, especially my holiday. 
I went on some really cool rides, search them up on youtube.
The rides are: RC racer, tower of terror, Space mountain and much more.

Anyway, here are some more updates from me!

 Its been sunny for a few days and it was really nice. But... It has also been raining, and it's even raining right now! Eww!

New stuff: 
 Sims 1 game on PC, full collection! I also got an 8ft Swimming Pool in my garden and a ladder. 

Cool things: 
 Induction days at school!
Milkshakes and Nuttela pancakes!
The beach with my bestfriends!
Sims 3!
My little brothers new made up words!

Thats about it for today!:D
see ya guys soon. Check out my other blogs.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hello guys, 
It's been a long time since I have posted a post to tell you how
me and my friends and family are all doing.

It's been super busy in 2011, and a lot of things have been happening. I've been having a few up's and down's but as far as I am sure, you don't need to know what they are! *wink*. 

In December - I had quite a lot of snow in 2010. (While my parents were out and about, I pulled up my socks and stepped in the garden and made my self a snowman, what a blast!) Load's of present from Santa on Christmas morning and new years eve spent at a hotel. Few Crazy people there, but I can live with it! (I already have too with my family around!) 

In January - Not much happening but I got a few punches on the 1st. *Ouch!* Oh, I was using my gadgets I got for Christmas! Just Dance 2 was amazing, me and my sister were dancing all day to a Jamaican dance. (But I was to chicken to put 'dance till you sweat'.)

In February - It started to get really windy at this time, so I was sorting out my wardrobe getting all my coats, gloves and hats out ready for the cold days! (At this time I was so looking for to spring!)

In March - March was SO busy it was unbelievable! There were so many birthday's, so I've spent nearly all my money out my saving pot! (Meaning all my tooth fairy money are gone!) But the most important birthday of all was my little brothers, because He was 1-years-old! (How cute!)

In April - April Isn't finished yet but quite a few things happened. Like Mothers day, I made a lovely card for my mum with pictures of me and her on the front saying 'HAPPY MOTHERS DAY' on the side! But soon It's going to be Easter! YAY! CHOCOLATE EGGS!

In May - In May I'm GOING to France for a one week holiday. In France I'm going to Disney Land Paris and I am 100% sure It will be perfect! I need to buy some comfortable shoes for that because I don't want to be on a ride and my shoes fall of! And what else will happen in May? Oh yes! I will be telling you all about my holiday!

More updates closer to the event! 


I was messing around with my friend before class started, She slapped me and stole my shoe so I went to jump for it but I missed and fell on the floor... In front of my ex boyfriend, and I only had a crush on him a few weeks ago!

In P.E I am so rubbish. Worst subject In school ever! I can tell you now, I can NOT kick a football for my life. We had to get into partners and everybody had one but me, so I had to pair up with this kid called Lewis who Is literally 'one foot small'. I had to run up and down 30 times around the sports hall and at the end of the lesson, I smelt so badly!

In Primary In 2010 At about May I was in the netball team and we were having a match against another primary school. I ad the ball and I was right next to the net. I Can't score for my life so I passed it to someone who couldn't shoot because they were to far away. So they threw It back to me, I didn't want it so I jumped out the way with my hands in front of my face and the team had another goal, shot and won!

Like to share your embarrassing moments? Comment below!

Bye guys and have a SMASHING year! (I take that back, don't smash anything...)